It Is Never Too Late

Overcome what is holding you stuck and learn how to attract your adult child back.

Have you struggled for YEARS throughout your custody battle to reunite with your alienated child or children? Take the steps to reunite with your adult alienated child, even after years of no contact. Dorcy did it. You can, too.

In this webinar, you are going to learn:

    1. The number one myth holding you stuck in your alienation story and how to overcome it.
    2. How to communicate so your adult alienated children can hear you and want to reunite.
    3. The top reason alienated children stay away so long and how to break the cycle.
    4. The 7-Step Process our clients use to reunite with their adult alienated children
    5. The small shift in how you show up that kicks the door open for reunification with your alienated child.

    Dorcy Pruter is a formerly alienated child who not only reunited with her father after 30 years, but she has helped countless other parents do the very same thing. She has prevented alienation from taking hold of her own children and she is one of the leading authorities on reunification strategies that work. She has trained others to do this rewarding work and she is expected to offer this free webinar for parents seeking the skills to reunite with their adult children. 

    Please click the link below and join us for the world-class training where you will learn the proven strategies to reunite with your own adult children - even after years of no contact.

    Gain access once you register


    The primary focus of Dorcy’s work at the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute is high-conflict custody disputes involving "Parental Alienation." Her goal is to help establish custody plans and co-parenting roles that encourage positive relationships between children and BOTH parents.

    Working with both mothers and fathers, as well as attorneys and therapists, Dorcy has spent the last several years as a Family Reunification Coach and Custody Consultant. She has worked on numerous cases, nationally and internationally, garnering positive results.

    Dorcy Pruter

    Conscious Co-Parenting Institute